Jane 9th May 2021

Hi dad today's the day i have been dreading my first birthday without you on the earth I know the last few birthday's your mind wasn't able to let you remember it was but at least I knew you were there and the biggest part I miss is the joke we only shared together where we both wrote a cheap price on the corner of the back of celebration cards to each other but this week you have given me signs to let me know your with me and the signs I have put with your fob watch and I will cherish them as it really gave / gives me comfort knowing your still with me and looking after me. Dad I truly appreciate the opportunity you have given me and Andy my mum and the 3c's but If I could I would trade it all to have you back with me free from dementia as I feel like I should of wrote down everything you said to me as I'm scared I'll forget what you told me over the years. So I just want to thank you dad for being there for me in my 40 years of life on earth and in spirit I love you dad 😘🫂 xxxx